Phone Chargers: Reviews, questions and answers!
Phone chargers are arguably one of the most important accessories a mobile phone owner can own. Here you’ll find all your questions about mobile phone chargers answered. Need some great phone reviews? They’re all here!
Featured Posts
How to phone to phone charge
Reverse wireless charging (also know as inverted charging) is a feature that allows you to charge another phone with your phone.
Phone chargers for festivals: How to keep them charged!
We’ve compiled a list of our 8 favourite tips to ensure you don’t run out of precious battery at a festival
Continue Reading Phone chargers for festivals: How to keep them charged!
Latest Posts
Do iphone chargers wear out?
Ever wanted to know why your phone charger wears out? Well check out this article and learn out to make your charger last longer
Are phone chargers AC or DC?
Batteries of mobile phones are charged DC (Direct Current) only. Because AC (alternating current) comes out of your plug sockets a phone charger converts AC into DC which is then used to charge your phone.